locked in paradise

angels ✦ childhood friends ✦ daily life

if one day I'm gone, remember me amongst the clouds swimming in the sky.いつか僕がいなくなったら、空を泳ぐ雲の中で僕を思い出してほしい。


イカルス Icarus

178cm ✦ ♂ ✦ fallen angel

Originally an angel, Icarus was curious about the human world and went down below, leaving his old life behind. Icarus came back to heaven out of curiousity about the lockdown rumors.

  • Terrible with alcohol.

  • Lost all his celestial powers from going down to Earth.

  • 酒に弱い

  • 地上に降りたことで、すべての天界の力を失った。

アーク Ark

165cm ✦ ♂ ✦ heaven's gatekeeper

When heaven forsake humankind, Ark gave refuge to sinners, but was found out and locked up to prevent him from letting people in. Icarus found him and brought him down to Earth.

  • Has high alcohol tolerance.

  • Curious and naive about the world.

  • 酒に強い

  • 好奇心旺盛で世間知らず。


"The world isn't so scary, won't you come with me?"

Ark and Icarus used to live in heaven, but Icarus got curious about the human world and left Ark who stayed behind. Time passed, and heaven has forsaken humans because they think they simply cannot be saved, and ark who inherited the gatekeeper position was locked away because he was caught letting sinners into heaven.... Until one day, Icarus came back.

アークとイカロスはかつて天国で暮らしていたが、イカロスは人間界に興味を持ち、残されたアークのもとを去った。時は流れ、天国は「自分たちは救われない」と人間を見捨て、門番の地位を受け継いだアークは罪人を天国に入れたことがバレてしまい、閉じ込められてしまった......。ある日、イカロスが戻ってくるまでは。(Machine translated for SKEB purposes. Sentences may be grammatically wrong)


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